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Research International Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes

Mini Review       Open Access      Peer-Reviewed

Effects of Quadruple Therapy: Zinc, Quercetin, Bromelain and Vitamin C on the Clinical Outcomes of Patients Infected with COVID-19

Hassan Shora, Senior Researcher, Port-Said University & Head of Medicine and Diabetes Center, Ismailia General Hospital, Ismailia 064, Egypt. E mail:

COVID-19 emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019, reached epidemic proportions, and spread globally as a serious life-threatening pandemic. SARS- Cov-2 is the causative virus that causes severe acute respiratory distress, pneumonia, respiratory failure, and septic shock leading to increased mortality. High risk patients include those with chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease and cancers. No speci????ic treatment is available and supportive care all that could be done to rescue patients. Quadriple therapy consisting of Zinc, Quercetin, Bromelain and Vitamin C showed promising results in improving clinical outcomes among COVID-19 patients.

Keywords: COVID-19, Cytokines, zinc, Quercetin, Bromelain, Vitamin C.

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