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MSD Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

Case Series       Open Access      Peer-Reviewed

Provisional Stenting for Left Main Bifurcation Disease under IVUS guidance: A Case Series

Rohit Mody1*, Debabrata Dash2 and Bhavya Mody3


Despite considerable progress in the ????field of interventional cardiology, percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of coronary bifurcations continues to be associated with a lower procedural success rate and higher incidence of adverse events [1]. The provisional stenting has been considered as a gold standard approach for most bifurcations, however, 15-30% bifurcation lesions require two-stent strategy from the beginning of the procedure [2]. However, in few instances implantation of second stent in provisional stenting is required due to complexity of side branch. Thus, the management of bifurcation lesions, especially left main (LM) bifurcation lesions emphasizes on an integrated approach involving tailored techniques, adjunctive physiological and morphologic evaluation using multi-modalities, hemodynamic devices, and pharmacological agents to improve procedural and clinical outcomes [2, 3]. Here, we report three cases of LM bifurcation successfully managed with provisional stenting using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and fractional ????low reserve (FFR) in decision making.