Manoj Menon, Spotcheck Health and Wellness Services, Chief Information Officer Spotcheck Global, Swiss Management Center University, UAE. Mobile: +97156 4708973; E mail:
Although intellectually engaged and demonstrate complex mental activities, a signiϐicant portion of the contemporary youth do not engage in an adequate level of physical activities. The ultimate compensation for this trade-off is day by day deteriorating health. This situation will lead to stressful life, normal weight obesity syndrome, imbalance in the autonomous nervous system, intermittent fatigue at a younger age, etc. Consultations with physicians do not happen until the human body shows severe symptoms of ill-health. Nowadays, the principal part of the body analysis in the ϐield of preventive healthcare is based on BMI. We argue that body composition analysis (BCA) be introduced to the mainstream as part of preventive healthcare. This paper compares the BMI and BCA-based body analysis and proves that BCA will give an accurate body analysis report in terms of age, height, weight, gender, body fat, and excess fat. The true fact is many individuals coming under BMI healthy region are unϐit as per the BCA report. The paper also introduces a new zonal-based study by comparing both BMI and BCA reports which gives information about safe and unsafe regions in terms of body fat percentage and BMI. Health practitioners, corporates, and ϐitness clubs should make it easy for their clientele to access it because periodical body composition analysis will help create a healthier lifestyle in individuals and thereby make them contribute better to society. In this paper, we demonstrate the results of a BCA study conducted using painless near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) device among young males residing in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Keywords: Body composition analysis, body mass index, preventive health care, NIR, UAE, non-invasive healthcare technology
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