ISSN: Coming soon...

MSD Journal of Nutrition Therapy and Food Science

Mini Review       Open Access      Peer-Reviewed

Development of HIGH FIBER NUTRIRICH MUFFIN to combat malnutrition

Bhavana Mallepula1 * and Akshitha Dandu2

These days people have gotten accustomed to completely relying upon processed food to fulfill their daily energy requirements. As time evolved many healthy foods like millets were left behind by the modern generation and convenience foods were adopted. These lifestyle changes made them suffer from lots of disorders over time. This new product is a small trial to re-introduce those nutrient-rich but abandoned foods into the daily diet in a modernized way. A Few of the nutritive but rejected foods like millet, apple peel extract, and defatted soybean flour were selected and made into a pie so that people could consume it with ease.

Keywords: Benthic Organisms, Peninsular Malaysia, Coastal Ecosystem.

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