Research International Journal of Food and Nutrition

Coming Soon

Journal Name:Research International Journal of Food and Nutrition

ISSN: Coming Soon


Editor-in-chief: Coming Soon

Indexing: Click Here

Journal Type: Open Access, Peer-reviewed

Email: and

Journal Information

Research International Journal of Food and Nutrition is online open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal publishers multi-disciplinary research, and particularly provides easy access to high-quality manuscripts in all related aspects of food, nutrition, and technology.

This covers all the aspects of nutritional requirements by the perceived palatability of foods and their applications in highly interdisciplinary applied sciences. This journal covers high-quality academic articles that professionals can keep pace with the developments in the field of nutrition and food. Analysis of food and nutrition suggests the renowned author’s research and write pre-eminent issues related to food and nutrition.

 such as

• Human nutrition is a process by which substances in food are transformed into body tissues and provide energy for the full range of physical and mental activities that make up human life.

• The five stages of nutrition are: ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation, and egestion

• The impact on fermentation in food processing

• The impact on nutritional care and disease are of wide range their conditions are infectious diseases, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes

• It also includes the impact on nutrition aging and frailty, critical care and post-surgery, oncology care.

• The impact on nutritional psychology is an innovative new approach some of the most common issues

• The food toxicology which effects and defects the toxic substances in food and their disease manifestation in humans.

• The impact on nutritional immunology response leading to increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, cancer, immunological disorder.

Reasons to Publish:

  • Global readership

  • MSD Publications journal boasts expert Editorial Board who help in with quality decision-making, choosing referees, and reviewing manuscripts playing a key role in providing quality knowledge to the world.
  • Fast publication: Processing in 21 working days.
  • Promoting published articles on social media.
  • Copyright retainment is provided to authors licensing the article under a creative commons license.
  • Accepted articles will be published online as PDF versions, HTML, video files, Infographics, Audio files, and curated web content.
  • MSD Publications journals follow the highest standard of double-blinded peer review, thereby subjecting the articles to the quality peer-review process.
  • Content is published without any space constraints.

All published articles are assigned to the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) – Crossref. All published articles of this journal are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of *Google Scholar.  All published articles are permanently archived and available at the MSD Publications website in HTML and PDF formats.

Subjects covered by the Food and Nutrition

    Journal Highlights:

    • Diabetes nutrition

    • Fermentation in food processing

    • Food technology

    • Food processing

    • Nutrition and disease management

    • Human nutrition

    • Nutritional psychology

    • Nutritional Immunology

    • Bioprocessing & Biotechniques

    • Fermentation Technology

    • Food & Industrial Microbiology

    • Food Sciences Nutrition

    • Nutritional Disorder & Management

    • Vitamins and Minerals Food

    • Nanotechnology

    • Food Security/ Safety and Issues

    • Food Addiction and Allergy

    • Food Fortification

    • Probiotics and Prebiotics

    • Food Preservation

    • Dairy Industry Products, and Technology

    • Food Packaging

    • Food Waste Management

    • Food toxicology Experimental

    • Food Chemistry

    • Food Labeling

    • Food Poisoning

    • Bakery and Confectionary

    • Agri-food Technology

    • Brewing and Malting Technology

    • Recent Advancement in Food Technology