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MSD Global Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Case Report       Open Access      Peer-Reviewed

Needlescopic Reduction and Inversion Snaring of Hernia Sac for the Treatment of Ovarian Hernia; A Case Report

Rafi k Shalaby


Inguinal hernia repair is one on the most frequently performed operative procedures in paediatric surgery. Several laparoscopic techniques have been described Ovarian hernia is de????ined as the ovarian herniation into the inguinal hernia sac. This case report described a case of ovarian hernia in a 6-months girl. The hernia sac contents were reduced, and the sac was closed by a new technique of inversion and snaring of hernial sac. In this technique the sac was grasped, inverted then snared using “Acusnare polypectomy snare” This technique is simple, reproducible and can be performed quickly.

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