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MSD Global Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Case Report       Open Access      Peer-Reviewed

Bilateral closed posterior ankle dislocation without fracture in a professional footballer: an unusual case report and literature review

Jean Marie Vianney Hope

Ankle dislocation is total loss of contact between the articular surfaces of the talus and the ankle mortise. It occurs following violent high-energy trauma and is often associated with fractures. As ankle dislocation without associated fracture is rare, bilateral involvement is extremely rare. We report clinical and radiological features, treatment principles and long-term outcome of a 26-year-old professional footballer who sustained a bilateral closed posterior ankle dislocation without fracture during sport accident. He was treated by closed reduction under ????luoroscopy guidance and immobilization with bilateral below knee plaster casts for six weeks. After removal of the casts, intensive rehabilitation program was initiated. He has made an uneventful recovery and returned to play at competitive level 8 months after injury.

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