MSD Archives of Clinical Nephrology, Kidney and Organ Transplantation

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Journal Name:MSD Archives of Clinical Nephrology, Kidney and Organ Transplantation

ISSN: Coming Soon...


Editor-in-chief: Coming Soon...

Indexing: Click Here

Journal Type: Open Access and Peer Reviewed Journals

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MSD Journal Information

MSD Archives of Clinical Nephrology, Kidney and Organ Transplantation is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, open-accessed journal that aims to publish scientific papers reporting recent research and experimental inventive that are of a high standard and that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of nephrology. Research International Journal of Nephrology & Kidney Diseases aims to publish scientific papers reporting recent research and experimental inventive which are of a high standard and which contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of nephrology. Kidney disease usually causes a loss of kidney function to some degree and can result in kidney failure, the complete loss of kidney function.

Kidney failure is known as the end-stage of kidney disease, where dialysis or a kidney transplant is the only treatment option. This journal publishes articles focused on all types of kidney-related disorders. It acts as an Open forum where papers of immense scientific standards are published that are of interest to nephrologists across the globe. Through this journal, the professionals get the latest updates in the research which helps their current research and they can publish their findings in the journal with a global readership. Research International Journal of Nephrology & Kidney Diseases is Open Access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies focusing on the prevention, diagnosis, and management of kidney diseases and associated disorders. The

The journal welcomes submissions related to cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, pathology, the pathophysiology of renal disease and progression, clinical nephrology, dialysis, and transplantation. Research International Journal of Nephrology & Kidney Diseases is a comprehensive collection of high-quality articles that have been peer-reviewed to ensure their quality and are shared with the scholarly community, as well as the rest of the world, under open-access guidelines. Thus making it easier for the professionals working in this field to find information right when they need it. In the field of research, new research often uses existing research material as its foundation and then builds upon it to reach new conclusions and draw more advanced conclusions.

In the absence of a high-quality resource that offers all the information that you require about the field of Nephrology and Kidney Failure, quality research work may suffer, and lead to a degradation in the quality of the work of scholars. Research International Journal of Nephrology & Kidney Diseases has been created to ward off this very possibility and offers researchers and scholars a simple way to get access to high-quality articles that have been submitted to us by their peers. Once the article that is submitted by you has been cleared for publication by our peer reviewers as well as the editorial board, we make sure that it can be accessed by anyone at any time.

We make the paper searchable and index it in leading medical journal repositories all over the world. We make sure that your work finds an attentive and global audience that appreciates the work you have put in to make the article, and that whenever any fellow scholars use your work for their research, then you are given due credit. We encourage our authors to protect their hard work through open access Creative Commons Attributes license so that your efforts are always acknowledged.

Open-access which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

Reasons to Publish:

  • Global readership

  • MSD Publications journal boasts an expert Editorial Board that helps with quality decision-making, choosing referees, and reviewing manuscripts playing a key role in providing quality knowledge to the world.
  • Fast publication: Processing in between 12 to 21 working days.
  • Promoting published articles on social media.
  • Copyright retainment is provided to authors licensing the article under a Creative Commons license.
  • Accepted articles will be published online as PDF versions, HTML, video files, Infographics, Audio files, and curated web content.
  • MSD Publications journals follow the highest standard of double-blinded peer review, thereby subjecting the articles to the quality peer-review process.
  • Content is published without any space constraints.

All published articles are assigned to the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) – Crossref. All published articles of this journal are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of *Google Scholar.  All published articles are permanently archived and available on the MSD Publications website in HTML and PDF formats.

Subjects Covered by Nephrology & Kidney Diseases

    • Chronic Kidney Disease
    • Internal Medicine, Nephrology
    • Kidney Diseases
    • Nephrology
    • Nephrology and Kidney Diseases
    • Nephrology and Transplantation
    • Pediatric Kidney Disease
    • Hemodialysis
    • • Peritoneal Dialysis
    • • Renal Transplantation
    • • Pediatric Nephrology
    • • Basic Nephrology
    • • Clinical Nephrology
    • • Dialysis and Transplantation
    • • Histopathology
    • • Renal Anatomy
    • • Renal Physiology
    • • Body Fluid Volume Composition
    • • Epidemiology of Kidney Disease
    • • Interventional Nephrology
    • • Diagnostic Kidney Imaging
    • • Risk Factors and Kidney Disease
    • • Nephron Endowment
    • • Gender and Kidney Disease
    • • Aging and Kidney Disease
    • • AKI – Pathogenesis / Diagnosis / Therapy
    • • Glomerular Disease
    • • Micro and Macro Vascular Diseases of the Kidney
    • • Tubulo Interstitial Diseases
    • • Uti / Pyelo Nephritis / Reflux Nephropathy
    • • Urinary Tract Obstruction
    • • Obstructive Nephropathy
    • • Diabetic Nephropathy
    • • Nephrolithiasis
    • • Renal Neoplasia
    • • Kidney Disease in Tropics
    • • Pregnancy and Kidney Diseases
    • • Inherited Disorders of Podocyte Function
    • • Inherited Disorders of the Renal Tubule
    • • Cystic Diseases of the Kidney
    • • Developmental Nephrology
    • • Ischemic Nephropathy
    • • Renovascular Hypertension
    • • Antihypertensive Drugs
    • • Pathophysiology of Uremia
    • • Endocrine Aspects of Kidney Disease
    • • Transplantation Immunobiology
    • • Intensive Care Nephrology
    • • Stem Cells in Renal Biology
    • • Erythropoietin Therapy