MSD Annals of Energy & Environmental Sciences and Toxicology

Coming Soon...

Journal Name:MSD Annals of Energy & Environmental Sciences and Toxicology

ISSN: Coming Soon...


Editor-in-chief: Coming Soon...

Indexing: Click Here

Journal Type: Open Access, Peer-reviewed

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MSD Journal Information

MSD Annals of Energy & Environmental Sciences and Toxicology 
links all aspects of the chemical, physical, and biotechnological sciences relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies, and environmental science.

MSD Annals of Energy & Environmental Sciences and Toxicology is dedicated to providing a multidisciplinary platform for the discussion of issues arising in energy research without the constraints imposed by aiming at a restricted audience. It aims to reach all researchers, scientists, engineers, technology developers, planners, and policymakers working in the areas of energy management, production, conversion, conservation, systems, technologies, and applications, and their impact on the environment and sustainable development. Energy & Environmental Sciences is dedicated to providing a multidisciplinary, unique platform for researchers, scientists, engineers, technology developers, planners, and policymakers to present their research results and findings in a compelling manner on novel energy systems and applications.

Covers the entire spectrum of energy from production to conversion, conservation, management, systems, technologies, etc. We encourage paper submissions aiming at better efficiency, cost improvements, more effective resource use, improved design and analysis, reduced environmental impact, and hence leading to better sustainability. MSD Annals of Energy & Environmental Sciences and Toxicology is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes papers relating to the science and technology of energy generation, distribution, storage, and management. It also publishes studies into the environmental, societal, and economic impacts of energy use and policy.

The journal welcomes articles relating to both renewable (biomass, hydropower, geothermal, solar, wind) and non-renewable energy (petroleum, natural gas, coal, nuclear), as well as energy use more generally. As well as original research, the Research International Journal of Energy & Environmental Sciences also publishes focused review articles that examine the state of the art, identify emerging trends, and suggest future directions for developing fields. RIJEE is concerned with the development and exploitation of both advanced traditional and new energy sources, systems, technologies, and applications. Interdisciplinary subjects in the area of novel energy systems and applications are also encouraged. High-quality research papers are solicited in but are not limited to, the following areas with innovative and novel contents: publishes high-quality original papers, review articles, and short communications in the area of novel energy systems and applications. It may also include letters to the editor, book reviews, an events calendar, etc. Submitted manuscripts should report on original works in the area of novel energy systems and applications which may be expected to address current technical, technological, economic, environmental, performance, systems issues, and sustainability problems and bring potential solutions through improvements in efficiency, cost-effectiveness, use of resources and sustainability, as well as improved energy security and improvements to the environment. Scientists, researchers, economists, energy planners, policymakers, technologists, and engineers who work and/or have an interest in the area of novel energy systems and applications, in various disciplines ranging from mechanical to electrical engineering and from chemical to environmental engineering.

The board also wants to promote the publication of articles on, or that are relevant to, energy issues in developing countries and on North-South and South-South cooperation in energy technology development and application. The Board considers the publication of highly specialized work more appropriate to other professional journals. The criteria for acceptance of the papers in Energy for Sustainable Development are therefore quality of the work and its presentation and breadth of interest, irrespective of whether the paper reports research or development, theory or experiment, original work, or review. Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications, and much more.

Reasons to Publish:

  • Global readership

  • MSD Publications journal boasts an expert Editorial Board that helps in with quality decision-making, choosing referees, and reviewing manuscripts playing a key role in providing quality knowledge to the world.
  • Fast publication: Processing in between 12 to 21 working days.
  • Promoting published articles on social media.
  • Copyright retainment is provided to authors licensing the article under a Creative Commons license.
  • Accepted articles will be published online as PDF versions, HTML, video files, Infographics, Audio files, and curated web content.
  • MSD Publications journals follow the highest standard of double-blinded peer review, thereby subjecting the articles to the quality peer-review process.
  • Content is published without any space constraints.


Subjects Covered by Energy & Environmental Sciences

    • Biofuel, biomass, energy, energy conservation.
    • Energy materials.
    • Energy storage
    • Energy research, geothermal, hydrogen, fuel cell
    • Multi-generation
    • Nuclear power, smart energy
    • Photovoltaics, solar energy, system integration
    • Sustainability, tidal and wave power, wind power.
    • Solar energy conversion and photovoltaics
    • Solar fuels and artificial photosynthesis
    • Fuel cells
    • Hydrogen storage and (bio) hydrogen production
    • Materials for energy systems
    • Capture, storage and fate of CO2, including chemicals and fuels from CO2
    • Catalysis for a variety of feedstocks (oil, gas, coal, biomass and synthesis gas)
    • Biofuels and biorefineries
    • Materials in extreme environments
    • Environmental impacts of energy technologies
    • Global atmospheric chemistry
    • Climate change as related to energy systems
    • Water-energy nexus
    • Energy systems and networks
    • Globally applicable principles of energy policy and techno-economics