Research International Journal of Cancer Therapy and Radiology

Coming Soon

Journal Name:Research International Journal of Cancer Therapy and Radiology

ISSN: Coming Soon


Editor-in-chief: Gian Maria Pacifici

Indexing: Click Here

Journal Type: Open Access, Peer-reviewed

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About Journal Information

Research International Journal of Cancer Therapy and Radiology is a peer-reviewed journal interdisciplinary, online open-access journal that encompasses biology, physics, and practical radiation oncology of cancer. Journal provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of clinical trial reports and reanalyses, comparative and cost-effectiveness research, medical physics, chemotherapy, and health services research are welcome.

Radiology and radiation therapy are critical components to many cancer diagnoses and treatments, but because of their similar names, patients often get confused by what exactly each does for them. Even though the names of the two fields of medicine share the same root, they use dramatically different technologies and techniques and have wholly different purposes. X-rays, CT scans, and other diagnostic imaging procedures—all radiology techniques—are used to help locate, stage, and diagnose cancers.

Radiation therapy is a treatment that uses high doses of targeted energy to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation therapy is the use of high-energy radiation to damage cancer cells’ DNA and destroys their ability to divide and grow. It may be delivered using machines called accelerators or via radioactive sources placed inside the patient on a temporary or permanent basis.

Radiation therapy can help reduce pain and suffering in patients with advanced cancer. Preparation for radiation therapy is focused on targeting the radiation dose to cancer as precisely as possible to minimize side effects and avoid damaging normal cells. Imaging tests may be used to help determine the exact shape and location of your tumor and define its boundaries. Your doctor will give you specific instructions based on the type of exam being performed.

Reasons to Publish:

  • Global readership

  • MSD Publications journal boasts expert Editorial Board who help in with quality decision-making, choosing referees, and reviewing manuscripts playing a key role in providing quality knowledge to the world.
  • Fast publication: Processing in 21 working days.
  • Promoting published articles on social media.
  • Copyright retainment is provided to authors licensing the article under a creative commons license.
  • Accepted articles will be published online as PDF versions, HTML, video files, Infographics, Audio files, and curated web content.
  • MSD Publications journals follow the highest standard of double-blinded peer review, thereby subjecting the articles to the quality peer-review process.
  • Content is published without any space constraints.

All published articles are assigned to the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) – Crossref. All published articles of this journal are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of *Google Scholar.  All published articles are permanently archived and available at the MSD Publications website in HTML and PDF formats.

Subjects covered by the Cancer Therapy and Radiology

    Journal Highlights

    • Oncology, Cancer Immunology
    • Molecular and cell biology of cancer,
    • oncogenes, carcinogenic, radiation biology
    • Molecular pathology, hormones, and cancer, viral oncology
    • Parthenogenesis, Metastasis, and the Cellular Microenvironment
    • Gynecological Cancer, Lung Cancer
    • Obstetrics and Gynecology
    • Cancer Research and Molecular Biology, Cell Biology
    • Cancer Genes and Genomics; Cell Cycle, Cell Death, and Senescence
    • DNA Damage and Cellular Stress Responses;
    • Model Organisms
    • Signaling and Regulation
    • Genes Chromosomes and Cancer
    • Cancer Gene Therapy
    • Pediatric blood & cancer
    • Cancer research and treatment
    • Diagnose precancerous lesions and early-stage cancers
    • Molecular changes leading to each type of cancer
    • Molecular changes affect tumor growth rate and invasiveness
    • Difference between the cancer cell and normal cell
    • Blood/bone marrow; breast disease
    • Genitourinary disease
    • Gynecologic oncology
    • head and neck disease
    • Hepatobiliary tract
    • integrated medicine
    • lung disease
    • Carcinogenesis, cancer cell biology, cancer genetics 
    • Infectious causes of cancer,
    • Tumor immunology, early detection, and diagnosis
    •  Experimental Cancer Therapeutics
    • Identification of Molecular Targets
    • Targets for Chemoprevention,
    • New Models, Cancer Chemistry and Drug Discovery
    • Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
    • Molecular Classification of Tumors
    • Bioinformatics and Computational Molecular Biology
    •  Anti-cancer Drugs, Anti-cancer agents
    • Cancer Causes and Control
    • Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention